Designmekka Interior decorations

The tiny little orange horse is changing course.

In Sweden we like our Dalahäst (horse from the Dala region). There is a site that will tell you the story behind it. Click here and you can read all about it (remember to use Google Translate – it is all in Swedish). However, the original one looks like this

It originated in the city of Mora where they really really like their Dala horse. They like it so much that they even have a very large statue. It looks like this

Look at the houses. Check out the benches underneath the statue. It gives you an idea how large it is. The original is orange. But since the Dala horse’s popularity grew more colors came about

How do you like that? Now you can actually get the Dala horse in almost any color.

And design.

Like this. And.. this. Kurbitz pattern. But not only the design has started to change. Also the material. Check this out

plexi glass! Cute detail, huh?! Recently however, the designers have started to pick the Dala horse apart into this

Nice idea! These ones you can buy from Save The Childrens site. Proceeds for a good cause.